The site www.stanislecolas.com is the exclusive property of Mr Stanis Lecolas who reserves all the rights of exploitation and distribution.
42 Hameau de Saméon
59300 FAMARS
Web hosting
This site is hosted on OVH servers.
2 Rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France
To get in touch with Stanis Lecolas, you can use the contact page of the website.
Webmaster and publication
Publishing Manager : Stanis Lecolas
Webmaster :
Côté Clic | www.cote-clic.com
16, rue d’Haucourt – 59127 – Esnes
Property rights
All texts, illustrations and images present on the site www.stanislecolas.com are subject to copyright as well as intellectual property. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, publish, exploit and distribute the information present on the site www.stanislecolas.com. Consequently, any use other than consultation constitutes infringement and is sanctioned under intellectual property. According to the terms of article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, “any representation or reproduction in whole or in part made without the consent of the author is unlawful”. Therefore, the consultation or modification of the database by means of programs or applications other than those made available on www.stanislecolas.com is prohibited. . Article L335-3 of the CPI also provides that “an offense of counterfeiting is the violation of one of the rights of the author of software”. Any person not complying with these legal provisions would be liable to the penalties provided for in Article L335-2 of the same code, as well as to an order to pay damages in the context of summonses before the civil courts.
Liability for content
Stanis Lecolas takes the greatest care in creating and updating this site. However, it cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein. The user is aware that the information, in particular on the products and services, is subject to change without prior notice. Stanis Lecolas declines all responsibility for the content of the site and its use.